About Us

Who Is Grant Lawrence

Grant Lawrence is a degree qualified chartered accountant with over 20 years experience working to meet client needs in a multiple of industries. Grant specializes in the needs of SME businesses and is committed to the success of his clients.

He takes an active interest in each of his clients as a virtual CFO. In his spare time Grant lifts the occasional weight and gets walked by his 90kg St Bernard.

6 Reasons Why You Should Choose Us

  1. We do not charge by the hour, we charge the commercial value of your work, this way you never pay of our inefficiency.
  2. We don’t charge to talk to you on the phone – being a human being is free!
  3. We remain compliant with the law but first and foremost we work for you not the tax office so we always try our best to find ways to make your circumstances match the requirements of the regulations
  4. We include you in our process and discuss what and how we complete our work rather than just delivering bad news at the end of the process and you not understanding or agreeing with what we ask you to sign.
  5. Honest and open communication – if you want to discuss something that might be outside the box we will always listen to see if there is a way to make your suggestions work.
  6. We don’t use the ‘would you like fries with that model’. We don’t ask you to pay for audit protection insurance, we don’t sell you financial planning and we don’t offer corporate secretarial services that you can do for free yourself.